Family Resources
Staff List
Please click on the links below to access the latest Memorial Spaulding staff contact information.
MS Staff Directory
1st Grade
2nd Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Special Education
Building Team
Mental Health

School Supply Lists 2023-24
Please find below links to each grade level’s school supply lists.
If this ask provides a financial burden, and you need financial assistance, please email
Asst. Principal Andrea Youngsman ( and accommodations will
be provided.
Memorial-Spaulding School Family Handbook 2023-2024
ELL Handbook 2024-2025
PTO Volunteer Handbook
FAQs & Links
Absence Line
If your child will be significantly late (medical appt, etc) or absent for the day, please call our absent line: 617-559-9617 and let us know.
Want to connect with other families? Schedule playdates? Sign up for the School Directory! You can sign up here:
If you have already signed up for the Directory in the past, it is important to go back in and update your child’s class information.
Early Morning Care
If you are interested in dropping your child off at school between 7:30 and 8:20 AM, please go the following website for more information:
Extended Day Program
If you are interested in after school care please contact Bonnie Croopnick at 617-630-5151 or
Please note that the PTO is not affiliated with the Extended Day Program.
Special Education
What is the Newton SEPAC?
Does your child have an IEP or 504 plan? Are you interested in obtaining an evaluation or support services for your child? Then you need to know about the Newton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) at
We are a volunteer organization of parents and guardians of children with special needs from preschool through high school. We work directly with Newton’s district and school administration regarding our children’s special education through our school-based liaisons, regular meetings with the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, and by attending and reporting at Newton School Committee meetings. The SEPAC Board can be contacted directly via Email at
We hold monthly Open Board Meetings ( that are open to all families and interested community members in Newton. Meetings are held in two formats: virtually and in-person (see website for dates, room locations, Zoom links and agendas). We also run an Online Forum where parents can ask each other about special education programs, issues, policies and resources both within and outside of the public school system.
Members of our “Newton SEPAC” Google Group can post questions or concerns about anything related to your child with special needs. We also use this group to publicize local/online presentations and conferences as well as DESE policy updates.
In addition, we reach families through our Facebook page:
Newton Special Education Parents – SEPAC. Upcoming meetings and presentations, policy updates, and questions are posted here often.
SEPAC at Memorial Spaulding Elementary School
Every K-12 public school in Newton has at least one parent volunteer who serves as the SEPAC Liaison. Anyone in the school community can contact their SEPAC Liaison(s) directly for information about the SEPAC, special education services at a particular school, or with any questions or concerns about a student. The SEPAC Liaison(s) for Memorial Spaulding can be contacted via Email at, and contact information for other schools can be found on the Newton SEPAC website.
Our school community is lucky to have dedicated and experienced Memorial Spaulding Special Education Staff supporting our children with IEPs/504s every day. For questions about specific services or providers, please contact your child’s teacher and/or their IEP team coordinator.
English Language Learners
Newton South Preschool Program
Newton South Preschool Program is a high-quality Early Education program located at Newton South High NSP is a child development lab school and serves as an internship site for high school students who are taking Early Childhood courses. The program is open from 7:00 am-4:00 pm with full day and half day options available. The program is accredited by NAEYC. Please contact Kevin Lenane, Program Facilitator, if you are interested in enrolling your child or would like a tour.
Contact info: (email) or call 617-559-6533
Bus Info:
Bus registration:
Blue Zone
What is the Blue Zone?
The City of Newton has created designated drop-off and pick-up areas at many schools in the city. These school drop off and pick up zones are commonly referred to as “Blue-Zones”. “Blue Zones” are designed to allow for improved traffic flow and safer drop-off and pick-up of students. “Blue Zones” are in effect Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Memorial-Spaulding Blue Zone
This is the blue curb on Brookline Street in front of the school. This area is for drop and go only - drivers may not exit the car. Students should get out on the passenger side. Please observe the rules! For more information check out the link: